Arranged by Author
Parameters of Disavowal: Colonial Representation in South Korean Cinema (Global Korea)
Jinsoo An
University of California Press, 2018
The Poetry of Li He
Translation and commentary by
Robert Ashmore
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023
The Transport of Reading: Text and Understanding in the World of Tao Qian
Robert Ashmore
Harvard University Asia Center, 2010
Fiery Cinema: The Emergence of an Affective Medium in China, 1915-1945
Weihong Bao
University of Minnesota Press, 2015
Adding Flesh to Bones: Kiyozawa Manshi’s Seishinshugi in Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought
Co-editor: Michael Conway
Mark Blum
The Nirvana Sutra: Volume 1
Mark Blum
BDK America, 2013
Cultivating Spirituality: A Modern Shin Buddhist Anthology
Co-editor : Robert F. Rhodes
Mark Blum
State University of New York Press, 2011
Rennyo and the Roots of Modern Japanese Buddhism
co-author: Shin'ya Yasutomi
Mark Blum
Oxford University Press, 2005
The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism: A Study and Translation of Gyonen's Jodo Homon Genrusho
Mark Blum
Oxford University Press, 2002
Readings in Han Chinese Thought
Mark Csikszentmihalyi
Hackett Publishing Company, 2006
Material Virtue: Ethics And The Body In Early China
Mark Csikszentmihalyi
Brill, 2004
Religious and Philosohical Aspects of the Laozi
Mark Csikszentmihalyi
State University of New York Press, 1999
Conjuring the Buddha
Jacob Dalton
Columbia University Press, 2023
The Gathering of Intentions: A History of a Tibetan Tantra
Jacob Dalton
Columbia University Press, 2016
Taming of the Demons: Violence and Liberation in Tibetan Buddhism
Jacob Dalton
Yale University Press, 2011
Tibetan Tantric Manuscripts from Dunhuang
co-author: Sam van Schaik
Jacob Dalton
Brill, 2006
The Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)
Yoko Hasegawa
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Ilboneolobuteo bon ilbonin: Jucheseongui eoneohag
co-author: Yukio Hirose; translated by Chae Seong-Sik
Yoko Hasegawa
Youkrack, 2015
Japanese: A Linguistic Introduction
Yoko Hasegawa
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The Routledge Course in Japanese Translation
Yoko Hasegawa
Routledge, 2013
Soliloquy in Japanese and English (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series)
Yoko Hasegawa
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010
Nihongo kara mita nihonjin: Shutaisei no gengogaku
co-author: Yukio Hirose
Yoko Hasegawa
Kaitakusha, 2010
Elementary Japanese Teacher's Guide
Yoko Hasegawa
Tuttle Publishing, 2006
Elementary Japanese Vol 2
Yoko Hasegawa
Tuttle Publishing, 2006
Elementary Japanese Vol 1
Yoko Hasegawa
Tuttle Publishing, 2005
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Volume 1
co-editor: John J Ohala
Yoko Hasegawa
University of California, 1999
A Study of Japanese Clause Linkage (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes)
Yoko Hasegawa
Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1996
The Rhetoric of Death and Discipleship in Premodern Japan: Sôchô's Death of Sôgi and Kikaku's Death of Master Bashô
H. Mack Horton
Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, 2019
Traversing the Frontier: The Man'yoshu Account of a Japanese Mission to Silla in 736-737
H. Mack Horton
Harvard University Asia Center, 2012
Naitô and Hozumi, Edo, The City that became Tokyo: An Illustrated History
Translated and adapted, with an introduction by
H. Mack Horton
Kodansha, 2003
Song in an Age of Discord: The Journal of Sôchô and Poetic Life in Late Medieval Japan
H. Mack Horton
Stanford University Press, 2002
The Journal of Sôchô
H. Mack Horton
Stanford University Press, 2002
Miyamoto Masayuki, The Tale of Genji: Scenes from the World's First Novel
Translated by
H. Mack Horton
Kodansha, 2001
Setouchi Jakuchô and Ishiodori Tatsuya, The Tale of Genji Picture Book
Introduced and translated by
H. Mack Horton
Kôdansha, 1999
Naitô and Hozumi, What is Japanese Architecture?
Translated and adapted, with an introduction by
H. Mack Horton
Kodansha, 1985
Fujioka Michio, Japanese Residences and Gardens: A Tradition of Integration
Translated by
H. Mack Horton
Kodansha, 1982
Hashimoto Fumio, Architecture in the Shoin Style: Japanese Feudal Residences
Translated and adapted, with an introduction by
H. Mack Horton
Kodansha, 1981
Takeda Tsuneo, Kanô Eitoku
Translated by H. Mack Horton and Catherine Kaputa
H. Mack Horton
Kodansha, 1978
Written on Water
Translated by
Andrew F. Jones
New York Review of Books, 2023
Circuit Listening: Chinese Popular Music in the Global 1960s
Andrew F. Jones
University of Minnesota Press, 2020
Developmental Fairy Tales: Evolutionary Thinking and Modern Chinese Culture
Andrew F. Jones
Harvard University Press, 2011
The Discovery of the Child: The Problem of the Child in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
Co-edited with Lanjun Xu
Andrew F. Jones
Peking University Press, 2011
Written on Water
Eileen Chang, translated by
Andrew F. Jones
Columbia University Press, 2005
Phonographic China: the emergence of a modern musical culture
Andrew F. Jones
Commercial Press (Taipei), 2004
Yu Hua, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
Translated with an afterword by
Andrew F. Jones
Pantheon Books, 2003
The Afro-Asian Century
Co-edited with Nikhil Pal Singh
Andrew F. Jones
Duke University Press, 2003
Yellow Music: Media Culture and Colonial Modernity in the Chinese Jazz Age
Andrew F. Jones
Duke University Press, 2001
Yu Hua, The Past and the Punishments
Translated with a postscript by
Andrew F. Jones
University of Hawaii Press, 1996
Like a Knife: Ideology and Genre in Contemporary Chinese Popular Music
Andrew F. Jones
Cornell East Asia Series, 1992
The Spatiality of Emotion in Early Modern China: From Dreamscapes to Theatricality
Ling Hon Lam
Columbia University Press, 2018
Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism: A Reading of the Treasure Store Treatise
Robert Sharf
University of Hawaii Press, 2005
Living Images: Japanese Buddhist Icons in Context
co-author: Elizabeth Sharf
Robert Sharf
Stanford University Press, 2002
Japanese Literature: A Very Short Introduction
Alan Tansman
Oxford University Press, 2023
The Culture of Japanese Fascism
Alan Tansman
Duke University Press, 2009
The Aesthetics of Japanese Fascism
Alan Tansman
University of California Press, 2009
Studies in Modern Japanese Literature: Essays and Translations in Honor of Edwin McClellan
co-editor: Dennis Washburn
Alan Tansman
University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, 1997
The Writings of Koda Aya, A Japanese Literary Daughter
Alan Tansman
Yale University Press, 1993
In Praise of Blandness: Proceeding from Chinese Thought and Aesthetics
Translation from the works of François Jullien
Paula Varsano
Zone Books, 2004
Tracking the Banished Immortal: The Poetry of Li Bo and Its Critical Reception
Paula Varsano
University of Hawaii Press, 2003
The Substance of Fiction Literary Objects in China, 1550–1775
Sophie Volpp
Columbia University Press, 2022
Worldly Stage: Theatricality in Seventeenth-Century China
Sophie Volpp
Harvard University Asia Center, 2011
The Multilingual Instructor
Co-author: Claire Kramsch
Lihua Zhang
Oxford University Press, 2018
Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch
Edited by Gerald F. Carr, Wayne Harbert, and Lihua Zhang
Lihua Zhang
Peter Lang Publishing, 1999
A Contrastive Study of Aspectuality in German, English, and Chinese
Lihua Zhang
Peter Lang Publishing, 1995
Kabuki's Nineteenth Century Stage and Print in Early Modern Edo
Jonathan Zwicker
Oxford University Press, 2023
Practices of the Sentimental Imagination: Melodrama, the Novel, and the Social Imaginary in Nineteenth-Century Japan
Jonathan Zwicker
Harvard University Asia Center, 2006