EALC Talks!
EALC Talks! is our series of afternoon talks on Fridays through which all of us can share our work with each other. Each talk will consist of a 20-30 minute presentation, followed by questions and conversation.
Robert Sharf (EALC and Buddhist Studies), "Can AI Meditate? (And Why It Matters)"
Friday, February 21, 12-1pm, EALC Library, 287 Dwinelle Hall
Marco Pouget (LMU-Munich), “Then and Now: Historical Consciousness and the Reception of Antiquity in HanChina”
Friday, February 28, 12-1pm, EALC Library, 287 Dwinelle Hall
Sean H. Yeh (EALC and Santa Clara University), “Navigating Challenges and Innovations in the L2 Taiwanese Online Classroom”
Friday, March 14, 12-1pm, EALC Library, 287 Dwinelle Hall
Song Han (EALC), "Wireless Games in Socialist China"
Friday, April 18, 12-1pm, EALC Library, 287 Dwinelle Hall
Mei-yen Lee (National Pingtung University and Center for Chinese Studies), “The Significance of ‘Tranquility’ in Guqin Aesthetics and its Embodiment”
Friday, April 25, 12-1pm, EALC Library, 287 Dwinelle Hall
EALC Talks! Archive