Graduate Programs
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures offers the M.A. and the Ph.D. in Chinese and Japanese languages. Students may focus on the literature, literary criticism, comparative studies, cultural history, linguistics, or a specified period, but in every case students will be expected to acquire a solid grounding in the classical and modern versions of the primary language. The primary purpose of our degree training is to prepare students to become scholars and teachers of advanced courses at the university level. Persons interested solely in elementary modern language teaching will not find the program suited to their needs and should not apply. For the M.A. in Asian Studies, contact
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures offers a PhD program in East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC), with specializations in Chinese or Japanese. The department only admits students into the PhD program.
As a rule, students wishing to enter the graduate program should have completed an undergraduate program comparable to the undergraduate major in this department. Students who do not have BA or MA degrees in East Asian Languages and Cultures, Chinese, Japanese or in similar fields can be considered for admission. If admitted, these students are required to make up deficiencies in their course work. This can result in a lengthening of the normative time to degree.
The department only admits students into the PhD program. You must indicate that a PhD is your degree goal on the application materials. Students who have not completed an MA degree before beginning study at Berkeley will have to complete the requirements for the MA before proceeding to the PhD stage of the program. Students who have completed an MA degree before beginning doctoral study at Berkeley must take all the normal course requirements. They may also submit an MA thesis for evaluation by their primary advisor. Students may be asked to revise or rewrite their MA thesis. After approval of the thesis by the primary advisor, and completion of the MA coursework, students are evaluated for permission to proceed to the PhD portion of the program.
UC Berkeley graduate students from other disciplines who are considering transferring into the degree program in Chinese or Japanese undergo the same faculty review as first-time applicants. Students in this category should contact the department graduate assistant for instructions.
The length of time needed to complete an advanced degree in the department depends on financial considerations, the extent of the student's earlier preparation, and other factors. Under optimum conditions, the MA can be earned in two years and the PhD in an additional four to five years. Normative time to degree is seven years.