Alan Tansman
Japanese Program
By appointment via email
Professor Alan Tansman earned his A.B. from Columbia University in East Asian Studies, his M.S.J. from the School of Journalism at Columbia,and the M.A., M. Phil, and Ph.D. from Yale University in Japanese literature. His specialization is modern Japanese literature and culture. He is the author of The Writings of Kôda Aya (Yale), The Culture of of Japanese Fascism (Duke), and The Aesthetics of Japanese Fascism (California). He is now writing a book comparing Japanese and Jewish responses to atrocity, is co-editor of Studies in Modern Japanese Literature and the forthcoming Tokyo as an Idea: Isoda Kôichi's Essays on Literature and Space (California). In addition to literature, Professor Tansman has published on topics including Japanese cultural criticism, popular culture, film, Area Studies, and the sublime in Japanese literature. He has also translated Japanese fiction and criticism.