3323 Dwinelle
Office hours:

Tue 9:45-11:15; and by appt. via email

Jinsoo An

Korean Program
Associate Professor + Choong Kun Cho Chair in Korean Studies + Center for Korean Studies Chair

Jinsoo An, Associate Professor, received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Dept. of Film and Television at UCLA with his dissertation on post-war Korean cinema and national identity. He continued his research on Korean cinema and culture at the Dept. of East Asian Studies of NYU (2004-2006) as a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer and taught at the School of Design and Media of Hongik University (2006-2010) in Korea before moving to Berkeley. He has written on topics related to Korean cinema including representation of Christianity, nationalism, historical drama, popular justice and legal formalism and cult film aesthetics. His current project focuses on representation of the colonial past as knowledge production and cultural imagining in South Korean cinema.