Chinese Minor
Minor in Chinese Language
Lower Division
Chinese (CHINESE) 10B, 10Y, or 10X
It may be taken P/NP
Grade of C or higher or P
It may be taken at another college or university
Equivalency - Students who have studied Chinese may place out of this requirement by successfully completing an advanced Chinese language course at UCB or by completing a Chinese placement exam.
Upper Division
Minimum GPA of 2.0
Five letter-graded courses and 20 units consisting of:
Three Chinese (CHINESE) courses.
Two elective courses from the Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures (EALC). Electives may be selected from CHINESE, EALANG, Japanese (JAPAN), KOREAN, Mongolian (MONGOLN), and TIBETAN courses.
One CHINESE, JAPAN, KOREAN 7A or 7B course offered by EALC may be used to meet one upper-division minor requirement.
Upon approval, one upper-division elective may be satisfied by either a Study Abroad course or a course from another Berkeley campus department related to East Asia.
Overlap - Only one required course may be used to meet both major and minor requirements.
Declaring the Minor:
Submit a request to add the minor to your program plan online.
Outside Course Requests:
Contact the UG Advisor for questions regarding approved courses (see below). If you have questions about minor requirements or to check on progress in the minor, please schedule an appointment with the departmental advisor on Calendly
For questions or problems related to enrollment, please contact Presi Diaz at diaz.mp@berkeley.edu.