Korean Minor Requirements

Minor in Korean Language


Lower Division

Korean (KOREAN) 10B or 10BX

  • It may be taken P/NP
  • Grade of C or higher or P
  • It may be taken at another college or university
  • Equivalency -  Students who have studied Korean may place out of this requirement by successfully completing an advanced Korean language course at UCB or by completing a Korean placement exam.

Upper Division

Minimum GPA of 2.0

Five letter-graded courses and 20 units consisting of:

  • Three Korean (KOREAN) courses.
  • Two elective courses from the Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures (EALC). Electives may be selected from CHINESEEALANGJapanese (JAPAN)KOREANMongolian (MONGOLN), and TIBETAN courses.
  • One CHINESE, JAPAN, KOREAN 7A or 7B course offered by EALC may be used to meet one upper-division minor requirement.
  • Upon approval, one upper-division elective may be satisfied by either a Study Abroad course or a course from another Berkeley campus department related to East Asia.
  • Overlap - Only one required course may be used to meet both major and minor requirements.

Declaring the Minor:

Submit a request to add the minor to your program plan online. 

Outside Course Requests:

For quick questions about requirements, you can email her at cassandrajj@berkeley.edu.

For questions or problems related to enrollment, please contact Presi Diaz at diaz.mp@berkeley.edu.