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Xiangjun Feng

Chinese Program

Xiangjun Feng is a PhD candidate in EALC. His dissertation, Secret Scroll: The Production of Occult Knowledge in an Age of Print, explores the relationship between print culture and secret-knowledge making in China's late imperial and modern periods. The study covers a wide range of miji 秘笈/秘籍, or "secret scrolls" that have not received adequate scholarly attention to date, such as books of prophecy, sectarian scriptures, secret-society pamphlets, mesmerism how-to books, kungfu manuals, as well as various fictional and visual representations of such texts. His other interests include music, cinema, folklore, transcultural practices, digital methods, etc. He has received grants from various sources, including The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, and has published peer-reviewed journal articles in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture and Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Before beginning his doctoral studies at Berkeley, he studied Chinese literature at Peking University (BA) and cultural anthropology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (MPhil). In addition to finalizing his dissertation, he is working as a Duke-DKU Global Fellow during the 2020-21 academic year, teaching courses about China’s modern transition in the global context at Duke Kunshan University.