
Korean 186

Drew Korschun

Drew Korschun studies modern Japanese literature, focusing on novels and short stories from the colonial period. He received his B.A. from Duke University in 2016 with dual majors in Linguistics and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Korea focus) and in 2019 received his M.A. in Japanese from the University of Colorado Boulder. His M.A. thesis involves the translation of six short stories by Nakajima Atsushi and analyzes to what extent the stories both condone and contest hegemonic colonial narratives of landscape, gender and ethnicity, and illness and the body. Currently, his research focuses on literature from throughout the empire (specifically “naichi” Japan, Korea, and northeast China), looking at texts written across linguistic and ethnic subjectivities confront the colonial project’s demands on sexuality and health. Some of his other interests include Mongolian language and literature, linguistics (specifically the syntax-semantics interface), queer theory, and translation.