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John Wallace

Japanese Program
Senior Lecturer

5110 Dwinelle

John Wallace teaches premodern Japanese language and literature, modern Japanese literature and East Asian traditions. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1991. He has taught at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1991–98), University of California, Berkeley (1998–99), and Stanford University (1999–2003). He was a Fulbright faculty scholar at the University of Tokyo (Komaba) in its Comparative Literature program (1995-96). He was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association Award for Teaching Excellence in 2003. Professor Wallace specializes in Heian period women’s memoirs with an emphasis on the rhetorical construction of self. He is the author of Objects of Discourse: Memoirs by Women of Heian Japan (Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 2003). His other Japanese literature interests include musicality in literary expression, Heian waka poetry, and Edo period haiku poetry. He is also interested in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology in terms of interpretive methodologies for premodern Japanese literature, romantic values in China, Korea and Japan in terms of their ethical underpinnings, rancor (urami) in Japanese literature, premodern Japanese aesthetics, and the culture of tea in premodern China and Japan. Please visit his website at