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Weihong Bao

Film & Media 
Associate Professor + Pamela P. Fong and Family Distinguished Chair in China Studies

6214 Dwinelle

Weihong Bao, Associate Professor, received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Her teaching and research interests cover comparative media history and theory, media and environment, early cinema, war and modernity, affect theory, propaganda theory and practice, and Chinese language cinema. Her book Fiery Cinema: The Emergence of an Affective Medium in China, 1915-1945 (University of Minnesota Press, February 2015) received an honorable mention for the Modernist Studies Association Best Book Prize. She has co-edited two special issues on "Climate/Media" (Representations) and "Medium/Environment" (Critical Inquiry). Her writings appear in such journals as Camera Obscura, New German Critique, Boundary 2, Representations, Nineteenth Century Theater and Film, Opera Quarterly, The Journal of Chinese Cinemas, The Journal of Modern Chinese Literature, as well as The Blackwell Companion to Chinese Cinema and A Companion to Documentary Film History. She is the editor-in-chief for The Journal of Chinese Cinemas and co-edits the “film theory in media history” book series published by Amsterdam University Press. She also serves on the editorial board for Representations, Discourse, Journal of Visual Culture and Feminist Media History. She is currently working on a new book, “Background Matters: The Art of Environment in Modern China.” Side projects include the geopolitics of film theory, the historical interaction between film and theater, and cultural constructions of secrecy.